Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

So, I know your all wondering what one does in Scotland for Thanksgiving. Actually nothing having to do with the American tradition of eating until your absolutely stuffed and can't move and you always say "Why do I always eat SO much!" This I'm happy about but not that I didn't miss the tradition of getting together with family and friends and being thankful for the great food and all the wonderful things that life is. So, what did I do? I woke up this morning and laid in bed thinking of all the things I personally have to be thankful for...which is a lot! I got up and made my green tea and climbed back into bed(it was only 6:45 after all) and finished the book "Three Cups of Tea" I really enjoyed this book and highly recommend it if you haven't read it already. It had a wonderful message about life and humanitarianism and what there is to be truly thankful for.

I went to a "diverse fiber day" with my aunt Jenn where a group of women gather once a month working on projects having to do with fiber art and especially 'felting" I made a pair of felted wool gauntlets(gloves without fingers) which will NOT come in handy in Thailand so will no doubt stay behind to come back to the states (at some point) with my aunt Sara's second suitcase of all my goodies accumulated while in Europe....thank you Sara! I did have a turkey sandwich for lunch so I was in the spirit of the day. Jenn and I enjoyed a wonderful meal at a local Italian restaurant here in Lanark this evening.

Have I mentioned the rain yet? Not that I was under the impression that it was going to be nice in November but holly is bloody cold! I can't complain since I'll be leaving this lovely country to warm, humid Thailand next week so I'll just try to appreciate the crisp air and rare sun shinning through the clouds with colorful rainbows now and again. Mostly my time here is about re-charging my batteries and just relaxing with family. As wonderful as travel is, it can be damn tiring as well. Having a bit of down time is essential. I realized just how tired I was after leaving Rome and arriving to London to stay with a friend Christine. While London is a wonderful city, I just didn't have the drive to go,go,go. I did have a couple of fun days with a British friend who showed me quite a lot of London in a couple of days. We were blessed with a clear, beautiful day and went up onto the London Eye and did a river cruise with a great commentary of the London sights along the river Thames. It was a spectacular day with wonderful skies. I will download photos soon.

I wanted to write and fill you all in on my whereabouts but mostly wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving and know that I am so thankful for all of you; my amazing friends and family who have been so supportive of my travels and dreams. Thank you for your emails, "skypes" or responses to my blogs. Just know that hearing from you truly makes my day and I appreciate your effort, time and love and miss you!
Enjoy the holidays season and I will be in touch from Thailand very soon. Love and Peace to you all.


  1. Hi Toni and Happy Thanksgiving to you also. I think of you often and Burt often asks how your trip is going. Our time in Scotland was similar to yours in that there was often a Scotch "mist", but the people and countryside were still a new experience. Lowell and I also loved Italy and can't believe it's been ten years since we were there. We primarily stayed in the Tuscany area, but went to Florence and Siena, and like you, thoroughly enjoyed the food (great pizza). It's great to hear that your trip is going well and hopefully you've recovered from your fall that Karen mentioned during my last massage. All's well back in the Boulder area, so continue to enjoy this adventure and know that we think of you often and wish you all the best!
    love ya,

  2. Hey Toni, I love catching up on your travels. I'm so glad you're writing this blog and sharing photos (fb too) -it's very cool to see you getting around to so many cities and sites. The pics are awesome! Glad to know you've got family to hang with now and again - I know the constant movement can be exhausting. Rejuvenate and take good care of yourself. I can't wait to hear about more adventures in Thailand. Thankful for you! Happy Thanksgiving! Chris

  3. Ohhhhh. I'm so sad that you're already on your way to Thailand without me. Happy for you, sad for me.

  4. Hey Boni ! , finally caught up on ur blog and it's fantastic to see the world (be it through your eyes)!! People say "Wish you were here...." I truelly wish I was :-(
    Think I'll sell my house and my shit and hit the road .......
